Saturday, March 22, 2008

What a week at CVS

I am so excited. . . I actually got it(meaning my blog) up and running. For those of you who know me, I am just excited to have figured it out without any help. I am very stubborn. :-) I have to share my shopping week with you. I have been having a great deal of fun this past week at CVS.

Let me back up a little and say that I started shopping at CVS right before the end of the year(2007). My dear friend Lynn started teaching me what she knew and we love to shop together, much to the amusement of our dh's. Neither is amazed anymore with the deals we come home with.

Anyway, this past week I made 6 trips to CVS and saved over $175.00 and paid a grand total OOP (out of pocket) of $8.80. I have included a picture to share, although there are a couple of items not in the picture because they got used before I got my camera in gear. I am having the time of my life while my dh says they may ban us from CVS. :-)

I am learning to be frugal and save money on the things I can. My goal when I go to the grocery store is to always save more than I spend. God has been good in sending me good friends that have been able to teach me and I hope that I can share with others how to wisely use the resources He has given.

Have a blessed Easter and remember that He loves you and died for you. I pray that you will know that and remember it daily.

God bless you!!

Here we go!!!

Well I've had friends telling me I need to get a blog, although I'm not sure how much I have to contribute. But at their insistence I'm going to give this thing a shot and hopefully have a lot of fun while I'm at it. I hope to be able to use this site to glorify my Lord and Savior and also to share lots of fun things with family and friends. So bear with me while I get started with this and we'll have a blast. God bless and have a wonderful and glorious Easter weekend.