Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Urgent Prayer Request for a Friend

As many of you may know, I am a nurse. My area of practice for almost 25 years has been Neonatal Intensive Care, where I have been privileged to care for premature babies. It is an incredibly rewarding job and I love what I do. Right now I am currently working a little differently in that I am working through a couple of agencies and am basically self-employed. That said, this post is to ask for prayer for the mother of a baby I took care of last year. This information is given with her permission and her blessing. She is an incredible lady with an incredible family and testimony. She believes that the more people praying the better.

Last year Caroline was born early via Cesarean Section because her mother, Laura, had breast cancer and needed to undergo further treatment that would be harmful to the baby. Born 9 weeks early, Caroline had an amazing course in the NICU and the witness of this family is incredible. Laura had a journal that she wrote and an e-mail list that she sent it to. At the request of some of the nurses, she made copies and placed them in a notebook to share her journey with others. I remember spending many a night using my spare time reading and being in awe of her faith and trust in God.

Having shared that part of the story, recently, while preparing for her reconstructive surgery, Laura was told that her cancer was back. After 8 months of being cancer free, it had returned and this time it is in her lungs. And still in the midst of it all, her only desire is that whatever happens, GOD be glorified. She will tell you in her own words that her wish is to see His hand working in whatever He has planned for her and her family.

My request today is that you join with me and thousands of others who are already supporting her in the prayer that God will heal her if that is His will and, that if not, that many will come to know Him through her experience. To find out more about Laura and her journey, you can go to a site called Caring Bridge where she has a site and is posting updates there. You can click on the "Journal" in the top navigation bar and it will take you to all the posts she has put out there which I believe go back to January. Here is the link to her site.

Please join in praying for this courageous woman who would love to stay here and see her children grow up, but more than that would like to see her Lord and Savior glorified above all else. Laura, please know that your courage and your faith are an inspiration to me and I will continue to lift you up in prayer as you journey through this stage of your life.

I am thanking each of you for your prayers for Laura and her family in advance and would love to know if you have visited her site, so please leave me a brief comment so that I can know those who are praying with me.

Thanks again and God bless!!!


Lady Why said...

Thanks for pointing her out to me. I'll be praying for her and following her progress.

Suzette Barton said...

MJ, thks for allowing me the priviledge. What a testimony! I'm committed thru praying continually. Please let us know where we can help in other areas for this precious family. Suz

Alyssa @ KeepingTheKingdomFirst said...

Mary Jane, I am with you. Thank you for sharing this incredible story.